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Inspiration -


A bold, beautiful collection designed by 120+ creative women from start to finish is coming March 12.  #BillabongxSincerelyJules

This year's International Women's Day theme is #EachforEqual. The hashtag stands for equality in the boardroom, media coverage, in the workplace, in all asepcts of business. We wanted to shed light on some of the women that lead Billabong Women's. Meet Allison, Carly, and Leila.

Tell us a little about what you do at Billabong.

As the Women’s Creative Director my role is to dream up and craft our seasonal collections which is the sum of the overall look & feel, spirit, print, pattern & color, styling and storytelling.


What advice do you have for young women chasing their dreams? 

Stay true to what really feeds your soul…work hard, like really hard to get what you want…serve others along the way as it will make your journey that much more meaningful…surround yourself with people who make you feel like the best version of yourself, and when you come across those who don’t, make sure to love & nurture yourself in exchange…at any stage of your career remain curious, humble & hungry for expansion.


What does International Women’s Day Mean to you?

International Women’s Day is a celebration of all aspects of womanhood…it’s a moment to honor those who walked before us, overcoming unimaginable adversity and therefore leading the way.  It’s a day to honor girls, and women today that are inspired, chasing the dreams, or currently living them.  It’s a celebration of women and culture, our differences, our strengths, our triumphs.  It’s a day to remind all generations that we count in a big way and that stretched across borders and oceans, we are one. 


What woman inspires you and why?

There are so many women in my life that continue to inspire me…and all for different reasons.  Women are complex and so I’m grateful to have women that nurture different aspects of my life.  There are SOOOO many women that I’m inspired by, but to reduce it down to a few, I’ll start here….


Naturally my mama and grandmas inspire me for their maternal gifts, passing down traditions and for their unconditional love.  My best friend’s mama, Miriam, is a successful designer and has been a constant source of support & motivation for me.  It was a conversation with her on a summer day in Venice Beach where she encouraged me to go back to school for design.  I owe so much to her.  She also taught me not to fear getting older but to play with it, take good care of yourself, and that it’s never too late in life to try new things.  Susan Branch, our former Global GM has also been such a gift in my life… she led us with such grace and really loved and admired the design process and how much effort, time and emotion went into the process.  She taught me the difference between a leader and a manager - a distinction I didn’t really understand before.  I could go on and on about how much she means to me.  Susan has lived a book worthy life and so generously shares her wisdom, her shoulder and her heart with me.  She’s a dear friend, a mentor and a true inspiration. 


What is your favorite thing about being a woman?

Oh wow, this is a fun question… Aside from playing dress-up, dancing on a wave or to music in a way that feels like a pure feminine expression, I’d for sure say being able to carry a child and give birth.  It’s beyond radical and magical and even though I’ve experienced it twice, I’m still in such awe of the miracle!!


Tell us a little about what you do at Billabong.

I’m the manager of digital and influencer marketing at Billabong Women’s. In short, my team's job is to help market our team of amazing athletes and influencers! It’s incredibly inspiring to watch what they are doing in the sport of surfing and in their creative pursuits. I'm also very privileged to work alongside a team of incredible women (and men) in the office. As you can imagine, the job is extremely fast paced, and we couldn't execute if we didn't work so well together.  


What advice do you have for young women chasing their dreams? 


Work hard, treat people well, empower others and build meaningful relationships.  I truly believe that if you work hard and foster relationships, you will be presented with amazing opportunities. In addition, it’s a small world, you will be surprised how powerful your network of friends and colleagues can be. If it wasn’t for some incredible women that I’ve worked with, I wouldn’t be where I am today – and as cliché as that may sound, it’s important to remember to lift up those around you, because that’s how we all win.


What does International Women’s Day Mean to you?

To me it's all about giving recognition to the very deserving women out there. As women we ‘need’ to be a lot of things, and we only ‘can’ be if we support one another in this little thing called life. I’m lucky to be a woman because of those before me, and because of those around me. A mother, a wife, a woman with a career, and so much more. This year, I had to slow down, I had to look in the mirror, I had to shed tears, and I had to remind myself how badass and strong I needed to be. I was elated when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and had to face a tough path to recovery. After 6 rounds of chemotherapy, lots of hair loss, tough days and nights, I’m happy to say that I’m cancer free, but even more proud to say that I’m the mom of a healthy Baby Boy – Dodge, who helped me, more than he’ll ever know, celebrate the woman I am.


I was reminded on this journey in pretty spectacular ways how supported I was by my coworkers from around the world, both men and women. I think it’s a testament that we are not in this alone…We all need to support each other during the good times and the bad, celebrate what we have but also recognize what more we can do. 


It's easy to put my head down and forget how important it is to celebrate the little moments of victory, no matter how big or how small. It’s easy to get caught in the day-to-day minutia without truly recognizing how remarkable we are as women, and more importantly, how much more remarkable we are when we work together. There are a lot of roles out there that are "thankless" and this day is a reminder to thank those who are doing so much! 


What woman inspires you and why?

Oh wow! There are seriously so many it is difficult to pick only one. I’m in awe of so many women – especially nowadays, but I would have to start with my mom, who has taught me to be strong and persevere through difficult times.


What is your favorite thing about being a woman?

There is genuinely a new reason every day! But likely the most miraculous for me has been becoming a mother. I can’t wait to teach my son what my mother taught my twin brother and what my mother-in-law taught my husband about how to treat a lady. Right now, he thinks I’m pretty special, and I’d have to agree.


Tell us a little about what you do at Billabong.

I am the Design Director for Women’s here at Billabong, I manage the amazingly talented team of (currently all women!) designers here and guide the process from initial sketches to the final product hanging in the store!


What advice do you have for young women chasing their dreams? 

  • Stay true to what you want for yourself, no matter what that is.
  • Stay focused on the big picture goal and work hard.
  • Be kind, you never know who you may cross paths with again.
  • Surround yourself with people you admire and respect, your environment impacts your path.
  • And don’t give up… there will be small and large challenges every step of the way, take them as opportunities to learn.


What does International Women’s Day Mean to you?

A chance to talk to both of my kids about why we need an international women’s day!

Having an honest chat with them about the bravery and sacrifices made by our foremothers and the immense amount of work that we have ahead of us to create equality for women globally


What woman inspires you and why?

My first boss and mentor Maria Cornejo, she taught me so much about being a designer, a mother, a woman and a friend


What is your favorite thing about being a woman?

This is such an interesting question that I have never really thought about before, really, what’s not to love! Very grateful to have a body to walk this earth!